Posts Tagged ‘windows’

On CIOL News,

L&T Infotech, a global IT services provider, today announced that it has teamed with SEEBURGER Inc., a provider of global business integration solutions, for a strategic partnership in order to increase U.S. implementation resources for the latter’s electronic data interchange (EDI) and business-to-business integration (B2B) software.

With this, L&T Infotech would provide both sales and deployment services for the SEEBURGER Business Integration Server and associated solutions, said a press release.

L&T Infotech has nine U.S. offices with dedicated teams in key industry sectors with EDI/B2B needs, including technology, manufacturing, finance, healthcare and energy/petrochemicals. The firm has extensive SAP and Oracle expertise as well as B2B systems integration experience, making it possible to support customers who are deploying the SEEBURGER platform in conjunction with an update, migration or implementation of a new ERP system, according to the release.

“Much of our systems integration business is ERP-focused, and many of our ERP customers need B2B integration as well,” said Sudip Banerjee, CEO, L&T Infotech. “Adding SEEBURGER technology to our portfolio will allow us to serve that need with what we consider as a robust, advanced and scalable EDI/B2B platform,” he added.

“Partnering with L&T Infotech expands our services capacity and provides an additional expert implementation resource for our U.S. customers, particularly for crossover deployments involving tandem ERP/EDI upgrades,” said Wesley Thompson, VP of Business Development, SEEBURGER Inc.

SEEBURGER’s EDI/B2B solution suite includes multiple B2B gateways and related products for disparate enterprise needs, including specialized solutions that automate document exchange with non-EDI-enabled trading partners via e-mail, spoke units and partner portals, the release added.

Synergetics is Awarded as the “Best. NET Training Service Provider” by Microsoft.

AT&T to introduce new cloud computing service” on Siliconindia News Bureau

Global telecom company AT&T has expanded its portfolio of cloud-based services to include on-demand compute capacity.

The addition of Synaptic Compute as a Service offering strengthens AT&T’s position in competing with other large cloud-based services providers like Amazon Web Services, Microsoft and Google. The telecom company already offers cloud-based storage and hosting services.

“As companies increasingly move to cloud-based environments, AT&T Synaptic Compute as a Service provides a much-needed choice for IT executives who worry about over-building or under-investing in the capacity needed to handle their users’ traffic demands,” said Roman Pacewicz, Vice President of Strategy and Application Services, AT&T.

The service, expected to launch in the fourth quarter of 2009, will feature a Web-based interface, pay-as-you-go billing structure and multiple storage options for use with the existing Synaptic Storage offering. AT&T said that there will be no up-front fees, long-term obligations or early-termination penalties.

The company partnered with the leading virtualization software developer VMware and multi-faceted technology company Sun to develop its newest offering. The product is using VMware’s vSphere hypervisor and vCloud API.

The company will deploy the service in the U.S, but it will be accessible from anywhere through the internet. It Plans to expand the offering globally in the future.

Synergetics is Awarded as the “Best. NET Training Service Provider” by Microsoft.

On InfoWorld, Paul Krill Writes,

Windows Azure, Microsoft‘s fledgling cloud computing platform, is piquing the interest of IT specialists who see it as a potential solution for dealing with variable compute loads. But an uptick in deployments for Azure, which becomes a fee-based service early next year, could take a while, with customers still just evaluating the technology.

“We’d be targeting applications that have variable loads” for possible deployment on Azure, said David Collins, a system consultant at the Unum life insurance company. The company might find Azure useful for an enrollment application. “We have huge activity in November and December and then the rest of the year, it’s not so big,” Collins said. Unum, however, is not ready to use Azure, with Collins citing issues such as integrating Azure with IBM DB2 and Teradata systems.

“From a scale-out perspective and for the future, it’s kind of interesting to hear” about Azure, said Michael Tai, director of development at Classified Ventures. But his company is probably not looking to use Azure in the short term, he said.

Meanwhile, an advertising agency that has done ads for Windows 7 already has used Azure. An official of that company also cited benefits in offloading of compute cycles to the cloud. “We’ve used Azure on a couple of projects already and had great success with it,” said Matthew Ray, technical director at Crispin Porter + Bogusky. “I think what helps us is we don’t have all the time and money” to build huge server clusters for projects that get a lot of traffic but only live for a month, Ray said. Using traditional platforms, “you can spend inordinate amounts of money — hundreds of thousands of dollars — to support something like the Super Bowl, something like that, and you’re done in a day, basically,” he said.

Microsoft has improved Azure since the last time the company looked at it. “It wasn’t as rich as it looks now,” said Sean Gordon, an architect in the strategy architecture emerging technology team at Chevron. “We’re looking at offloading compute resources, potentially, into the cloud,” he noted.

A Microsoft SharePoint software vendor sees Azure‘s potential for purposes such as extranets. “A lot of applications I can see being extended to the cloud,” said Stephen Cawood, community director at Metalogix. “For big companies, they’re still going to want to have their own datacenters and host things like SharePoint, but I can see them using cloud computing possibly for extranet scenarios where they’re working with partners or even customers.”

David Nahooray, software developer for the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), an international intergovernmental agency, said any decision to go to the cloud would be made a higher level. “[Azure] looks interesting, but it’s probably up to my boss to decide if we can go and put stuff outside in the cloud,” Nahooray said. Data such as economic indicators could be deployed on Azure for access by other organizations, he said.

Cloud computing is here. Running applications on machines in an Internet-accessible data center can bring plenty of advantages. Yet wherever they run, applications are built on some kind of platform. For on-premises applications, this platform usually includes an operating system, some way to store data, and perhaps more. Applications running in the cloud need a similar foundation. The goal of Microsoft’s Windows Azure is to provide this. Part of the larger Azure Services Platform, Windows Azure is a platform for running Windows applications and storing data in the cloud.

Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. To deploy a new solution, most of your time and energy is spent on defining the right infrastructure, hardware and software, to put together to create that solution, cloud computing allows people to share resources to solve new problems. cloud computing users can avoid capital expenditure (CapEx) on hardware, software, and services when they pay a provider only for what they use.

Synergetics is a premium brand in the Indian IT industry with an experience base of over 15 years in the area of people   competency development;   engaged in delivering it thru  its   training and consulting interventions , primarily focusing on their productivity with regards to the project and deliverables on hand.Its primary differentiator has been its solution centric approach and its comprehensive client focused    service portfolio.

From ITVN Network, Autodesk Announces Support for Windows 7,

Autodesk, 2D and 3D design, engineering and entertainment Software Company, has announced support for Windows 7. Autodesk will support customers using nine products including AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD LT 2010 and the Autodesk Inventor 2010 family of software, on Windows 7.

Windows 7 was designed with the customer in mind, said Mark Relph, senior director for Windows Product Management at Microsoft Corp. We are pleased to have the support of Autodesk to offer our mutual customers an easy way to do the things they want on a PC.For the 2010 product line, Autodesk will support nine products on Windows 7.  These products are Autodesk Inventor 2010, Autodesk Inventor LT 2010, AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD LT 2010, AutoCAD Architecture 2010, AutoCAD Electrical 2010, AutoCAD Mechanical 2010, AutoCAD MEP 2010 and Autodesk Algor Simulation 2010 software.  Autodesk will support Windows 7 for most of its other products as updated versions are released.

Autodesk is committed to delivering software that meets and exceeds our customers functionality requirements, while providing them the broadest possible choice of operating systems, said Chris Bradshaw, Autodesk chief marketing officer. Autodesk and Microsoft share a goal of making the tasks our customers perform every day easier and faster. We look forward to extending support for Windows 7 across our portfolio so all our customers can benefit from the improvements in this robust new operating system.

Synergetics is a premium brand in the Indian IT industry with an experience base of over 15 years in the area of people   competency development;   engaged in delivering it thru  its   training and consulting interventions , primarily focusing on their productivity with regards to the project and deliverables on hand . Its primary differentiator has been its solution centric approach and its comprehensive client focused    service portfolio.

By Gregg Keizer | Computerworld

Laptop users claim the new Windows 7 OS has permanently crippled their batteries

Microsoft said Tuesday it is looking into battery problems apparently affecting Windows 7 notebooks.

Users have complained of battery issues — including premature warnings that the power is exhausted, as well as more dire demands to replace the battery — for months, long before Windows 7 went final.

[Get InfoWorld’s 21-page hands-on look at the new version of Windows. | The real-world state of Windows: Check out InfoWorld’s live Windows Pulse monitors of users’ app preferences and PC configurations. | Looking for the ultimate laptop? It doesn’t exist yet, so InfoWorld designed the perfect notebook. See how close your laptop comes to our dream machine. ]

Microsoft claimed that the problem was in the Windows 7 tool that decided when the battery had been drained, or was unable to hold a charge. “We are investigating this issue in conjunction with our hardware partners, which appears to be related to system firmware (BIOS),” a Microsoft spokeswoman said today, referring to the firmware that boots the PC and initializes the hardware components. “The warning received in Windows 7 uses firmware information to determine if battery replacement is needed.”

A very long thread on Microsoft’s support site dedicated to Windows 7 battery problems kicked off in early June 2009, and remains active; more than a dozen new messages were posted on Tuesday, for example.

While some users on that thread agree with Microsoft that the warnings are spurious, others believe that the new operating system has permanently crippled their batteries.

“I have tried charging the battery while the computer is off or in another OS, and it does not work,” said someone identified as “DanLee81” today. “It will charge for a few minutes, then stop. The battery will say it’s full when it actually only has a few minutes of charge, and when you take out the A/C, it will either last for a few minutes, or completely shut off your laptop. This behavior happens in all [OSes] after Windows 7 damages the battery, not just within Windows 7.”

Others reported that their batteries underperformed, even after they abandoned Windows 7 and returned their notebooks to running Windows XP or Vista, or switched to Linux. “Rolling back does not work either,” said “Dreklia” in another message on Tuesday. “I feel rip[ped] off!”

In some cases, Windows 7 claimed that brand new notebooks were unable to hold a charge. “Until yesterday it used [to] state that I had 7 hours battery life after a full charge; today after a full charge, it states that I have 4 hours left,” said “tigger1962” of a three-week-old Toshiba Satellite T110. “I’ve only had it on now 15 minutes and my charge has now gone down to 2 hours 24 minutes.”

Users reported a wide variety of affected makes and models, including laptops from Acer, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung, Sony, and Toshiba.

Laptop owners are not the only ones who have noticed battery irregularities in Windows 7. Last summer, reviewers for several publications and sites said that Windows 7 slashed battery life by almost a third when compared to XP. That ran counter to Microsoft’s promise that Windows 7 would actually increase battery endurance.

Microsoft said it was looking for a common cause to the battery complaints. “We are working with our partners to determine the root cause and will update the [support] forum with information and guidance as it becomes available,” the spokeswoman said.

Synergetics is a premium brand in the Indian IT industry with an experience base of over 15 years in the area of people   competency development;   engaged in delivering it thru  its   training and consulting interventions , primarily focusing on their productivity with regards to the project and deliverables on hand .     Its primary differentiator has been its solution centric approach and its comprehensive    client focused    service portfolio.

on ITVOIR News

According to research firm, Windows 7 reaches yet another milestone as market share passes ten percent mark. Since its launch, the operating system surpassed various milestones. It had reached the 4 percent market share in just one month; in contrary to Windows Vista, who took about seven months to reach there.

The Redmond giant, Microsoft Corp has recently announced record revenues of $19.02 billion for the second quarter ended Dec. 31, 2009, which is a jump of 14 percent helped by a rebound in PC sales and Windows 7 operating system. As of January, all Windows versions accounted for about 92% of devices accessing the Web.

Windows 7 Compatibility with enterprises

Despite good initial reviews of the operating system, many organizations are still waiting for Windows 7 Service Pack 1 to resolve all the probable compatibility issues with legacy hardware and software. Microsoft’s Windows 7 is the most secure version from the software giant’s desktop operating system. Also, various research firms have provided their consent to adopt new operating system from the software giant.

With Windows 7, the SMBs questioned about the compatibility with the thousands of Windows-based third-party programs and applications already in the market.

Recently, it is reported that the software giant has prepared the code for the new operating system’s first service pack and included various already-issued security patches as well as new bug fixes.

Availability of wide choices

It is suggested that the availability of different versions of Windows 7 may create problem to various companies for adoption. Further, 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 7 have different requirements for the existing system like memory and graphics card configurations.

The systems based on Windows 7 come with Internet Explorer 8, which could not display web pages that are written for IE6. In addition, companies have to invest in relatively new hardware products such as Web cams, printers, and even sound cards.

Microsoft offers discounts

To increase the market share of Windows 7, Microsoft is aiming SMBs by providing the new operating system and the Office 2007 productivity suite up gradation at half of the suggested retail pricing. However, to avail the offer, customers have to be a part of Microsoft‘s Open Value Subscription (OVS) program and presently using one of the listed prior versions of these products.

Synergetics is Awarded as the “Best. NET Training Service Provider” by    Microsoft.


Seventy percent of the 40,000 people who work on software at Microsoft are in some way working in the cloud, CEO Steve Ballmer said Thursday at the University of Washington.

“A year from now, that will be 90 percent,” he said.

In a wide-ranging talk to computer science students at the university, Ballmer explained why he thinks cloud computing is important and how Microsoft aims to take advantage of the trend toward hosted computing services.

“Our inspiration, our vision … builds from this cloud base,” he said. “This is the bet, if you will, for our company.”

All Microsoft products including Windows, Office, Xbox, Azure, Bing, and Windows Phone are driven by the idea of being connected to the cloud, he said. While some recently introduced products like Windows 7 included a lot of work that is not cloud-based, the inspiration for the product starts with the cloud, he said.

Beyond software, Ballmer also described Microsoft‘s different strategies for creating devices that connect to cloud-based services. “The cloud wants smarter devices,” he said.

He admitted mistakes in the way that Microsoft historically approached the mobile market, giving hardware makers a wide range of potential for form factors. “We didn’t standardize enough. The cacophony of form factors for you, the user, was too high,” he said.

Microsoft has unveiled a new version of its mobile software, Windows Phone 7, which has a much stricter set of hardware requirements. Still, it should have more options for hardware makers to innovate than some Microsoft competitors like Apple and Research In Motion where “you get what they choose to build for you,” Ballmer said.

In the case of its Xbox gaming console, Microsoft uses that same strategy. But Ballmer hinted that there could be some variety with the Xbox. “You might have more form factors in the future for different price points and options,” he said.

Ballmer also said that Microsoft wants to help foster the development of different cloud computing services, both private and public. “How does the cloud become something that not just Microsoft and four other companies run on the behalf of the whole planet? How do we give the cloud back to you?” he said. “You should be able to, if you want, run your own cloud.”

In some cases Microsoft may be eager to help organizations run their own hosted environments because it doesn’t make sense for the company to do so itself. For instance, a government might have regulations that hosted data be kept within the country’s borders. But in a small country, Microsoft may not be interested in making the investment. “This company is not likely to build a public cloud in Slovenia any time soon,” Ballmer said. Instead, Microsoft would like to sell a set of products built around its Azure cloud services that a country like Slovenia can buy and implement itself.

The potential benefits of cloud computing for companies and researchers are immense, Ballmer said. For instance, he talked about how bringing the world’s poorest out of poverty will likely mean that those people will consume more energy. “We need to speed up the rate of scientific innovation” that can help solve climate change issues before that happens, he said. Researchers might be better able to run experiments quickly and analyze more data if they are able to access public cloud services, he said.

The cloud “will create opportunities for all the folks in this room to do important research and build important projects,” Ballmer said.

The hosted computing model creates new possibilities for businesses too. “I think we are seeing and will continue to see where there are literally new software investments that create new business models, new opportunities to start and form businesses because of this commercial software infrastructure that’s never existed before,” he said.

For instance, a new company might only have the resources to offer a product to people in its local community. But if it can use hosted computing, it can offer the product to a wider audience, paying for the compute services as it uses them rather than investing in a data center up front.

Ballmer also suggested that the cloud might even make some open-source developers more interested in commercializing their developments. “With the advent of this new commercial infrastructure, some inventors can now ask, how can I monetize this, how can I get an economic value from the innovations that I get a chance to create,” he said.

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Windows 7 secrets

Posted: March 10, 2011 in Uncategorized
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CIOL News,

BANGALORE, INDIA: You already know the ups and downs of Windows Vista-now it’s time to learn the ins and outs of Windows 7! Internationally recognized Windows experts, Microsoft insiders, and authors Paul Thurrott and Rafael Rivera cut through the hype to pull away the curtain and reveal useful information not found anywhere else.

Regardless of your level of knowledge, you’ll discover little-known facts on how things work, what’s new and different, and how you can modify Windows 7 to meet your own specific needs.

A witty, conversational tone tells you what you need to know to go from Windows user to Windows expert and doesn’t waste time with basic computer topics while point-by-point comparisons demonstrate the difference between Windows 7 features and functionality to those in Windows XP and Vista.

  • Windows 7 is the exciting update to Microsoft’s operating system
  • Authors are internationally known Windows experts and Microsoft insiders
  • Exposes tips, tricks, and secrets on the new features and functionality of Windows 7
  • Reveals best practices for customizing the system to work for you
  • Investigates the differences between Windows 7 and previous versions of Windows

It’s always interesting to me to see the job growth in emerging spaces, such as cloud computing. Typically, the hype is huge around a concept (such as SOA, client/server, or distributed objects) about 8 to 12 months before there is notable job growth. This is often due to companies not understanding the value of the new technology, as well as to the lag in allocating budget and creating job reqs.

Cloud computing seems to be a different beast. After no fewer than four calls last week from headhunters looking for cloud architects, cloud engineers, and cloud strategy consultants, I decided to look at the job growth around cloud computing, using my usual unscientific measurements. This included a visit to the cloud job postings at, which provides search and alerts for job postings and tracks trends.

I figured that I would see a line that looks like the bunny slope, gradually sloping up from left to right. Instead, as you can see below, I saw extreme heli-skiing: Since January 2008, the growth in job postings that mention cloud computing has hit 350,000 percent. (Of course, those are all kinds of job postings that mention cloud computing, and some are perhaps not cloud computing jobs. But still.)

While I just have my personal experience to draw upon, this seems to be the largest inflection around a hyped space in IT that I’ve ever seen, especially considering we’ve been in a downturn in which many companies have reduced IT jobs.

There are only a handful of qualified people out there who actually understand the basics of cloud computing, much less the details behind cloud computing architecture, implementation, development, testing, and security. Thus, I suspect we’ll see many jobs filled by the wrong people — and the bad results that come from that. The larger issue is that the people doing the hiring also don’t understand cloud computing, so they don’t realize that the “expert in Amazon cloud service” claim on a résumé actually means the candidate can purchase books and shoes using the site’s “one click” feature.

First, and foremost: I will stay fully employed. 🙂

Second, the salaries of cloud computing experts will be driven up significantly as too many jobs chase too few qualified candidates.

Third, the need for cloud computing training will explode, including architecture, planning, testing, security, and deployment. There’s lots to learn there, and it’s very different than on-premise systems, trust me.

Finally, we’ll have to deal with the many positions that will be taken by less than qualified staff. Thus, there will be some frustration around the productivity of cloud computing that in most cases will be traced back to a talent issue, not the technology itself. We saw the same thing with SOA.

Start that training and update your résumés, people.

Cloud computing is here. Running applications on machines in an Internet-accessible data center can bring plenty of advantages. Yet wherever they run, applications are built on some kind of platform. For on-premises applications, this platform usually includes an operating system, some way to store data, and perhaps more. Applications running in the cloud need a similar foundation. The goal of Microsoft’s Windows Azure is to provide this. Part of the larger Azure Services Platform, Windows Azure is a platform for running Windows applications and storing data in the Cloud.

Cloud computing is a style of computing in which dynamically scalable and often virtualized resources are provided as a service over the Internet. To deploy a new solution, most of your time and energy is spent on defining the right infrastructure, hardware and software, to put together to create that solution, Cloud computing allows people to share resources to solve new problems. Cloud computing users can avoid capital expenditure (CapEx) on hardware, software, and services when they pay a provider only for what they us.

One of the biggest technical obstacles in the world of cloud computing is integrating cloud applications with each other and with on-premise systems. Data integration software developer Informatica released a package of software tools the company said can help businesses overcome those hurdles.


For Informatica’s channel partners and systems integration allies, the new cloud 9 toolset offers a means of building customized data integration software for customers and assembling data integration links that can be reused in multiple deployments, said Darren Cunningham, senior marketing director for Informatica’s on-demand products.

As more businesses adopt Software-as-a-Service applications and other cloud computing technologies, they find themselves wrestling with the problem of how to link those applications with their existing IT systems. Informatica, a longtime player in the data integration arena, is a natural to fill that role, company executives argue. A number of younger companies are also jumping into the on-demand data integration space, including Boomi and Cast Iron.

Informatica Cloud 9 includes a multitenant, Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) data integration system that developers and systems integrator partners can use to build and reuse custom data integration services and run them in the cloud, according to the company. Business users can configure data rules or run data mappings built by IT using Informatica Cloud Services for data integration.

Cloud 9 incorporates Informatica’s Cloud Services Winter ’09 release of purpose-built Software-as-a-Service data integration applications for nontechnical users. It also provides Address Quality Cloud services based on technology Informatica acquired when it bought AddressDoctor in June. A new sandbox feature includes data synchronization and replication capabilities for software development and testing projects.

The package also includes new and expanded offerings through Amazon’s Elastic cloud computing (EC2) service. The new Informatica Data Quality cloud Edition, which runs on Amazon EC2, offers data quality services such as profiling, cleansing and matching. Informatica Cloud 9 also supports the recently released Amazon Relational Database Service.

Earlier this month Informatica unveiled Informatica 9, a new release of its core data integration software that’s the foundation for the new cloud computing offering.

The Informatica Cloud Platform is currently available as a beta with the final release scheduled for December priced at $1,000 per month. The Data Quality Cloud Edition is available on Amazon EC2 as a beta with the production release set for next year’s first quarter. The Informatica Address Quality cloud services are available today with pricing based on transaction volumes.

On ChannelWeb, Rick Whiting Writes, Informatica Debuts Cloud Computing Integration Tools, November 26, 2009





A .NET Cloud Computing Applications Versatilist:

The .NET Cloud Computing Applications Versatilist candidate would be someone who:

  1. Has one or more technical specialties (e.g. application programming, Designing, composing and consuming Services from and in .NET Applications).
  2. Has at least a general knowledge of software development lifecycle.
  3. Has at least a general knowledge of the business domain in which they work.


The Versatilist program for .NET Cloud Computing Applications Professional will enhance and empower the candidate with the following skills:

  1. Knowledge of the different cloud computing platforms
  2. Understanding the concept of SaaS
  3. Identifying the benefits and scenarios where cloud computing will be applicable
  4. Detailed understanding of the Cloud Computing platform from Microsoft – Azure Services Platform
  5. Designing, implementing and deploying a solution in the cloud using Azure platform
  6. Creating Service Bus and workflow applications using .NET Services
  7. Using the SQL Database in the cloud with SQL Data Services
  8. Creating Live Mesh applications with Live Services